Become an EMDR Trauma Specialist’s .

Gain EMDR Certification, Ongoing Support, and Build Your Expertise with Cassidy DuHadway, LCSW

Take your EMDR therapy skills to the next level and become a certified specialist

Earn your EMDR Certification with additional trainings on Trauma so you can truly support each of your clients in their healing.

Let’s move past overwhelm, imposter syndrome and feeling lost. It’s time for you to be an EMDR and Trauma Specialist!

This program is designed specifically for those who have completed EMDR Basic Training and are looking to deepen their practice. EMDR Certification is a specialty credential, overseen by the EMDR International Association (EMDRIA) for those in the USA and Canada. Please refer to the EMDRIA website for a list of separate requirements for Certification and view Certification FAQs. EMDRIA membership is not required for EMDR Certification.

Why Become an EMDR-Certified Therapist?

Training Videos

Cram-Packed Educational Videos designed to help you become a better therapist and learn how to truly understand your clients and the interventions/tools to help them.


Join our MONTHLY Consultation group.

Get your client questions answered and meet with other therapists for support!

Option to add individual consultation.


Downloadable videos and handouts for therapists AND clients. You can use them right away.


A place for you to come and learn, be supported and THRIVE.

More than a FB Group. This is a place for you to truly be supported and find community.

Membership now OPEN for registration!

About Cassidy DuHadway, LCSW.

I am a human and a Badass Therapist, a therapist, LCSW, and educator. My skill is to see and understand the big picture of client’s stories and our therapist skills and then help each therapist tweak their work in order to be as powerful and authentic as they can.

I have experienced and healed from pre-verbal, attachment, religious and cultural trauma. I have worked hard at overcoming my internal belief systems and walking into my full power as a healer and teacher.

I know what it’s like to struggle with IMPOSTER SYNDROME!

I had so many people tell me I COULDN”T.

I struggled with finding a sense of WORTH and BELONGING.

But that has changed. Not only for me, but for all the clients and therapists I have worked with.

Teaching this to other therapists is the BEST. I know it helps them become better therapists, which helps SO MANY MORE PEOPLE!

I am so excited to have you here! This community is so important!

What Our Graduates Say

Certification BUNDLE

All resources listed above and 10 group sessions PLUS 10 individual consultations

$2950 value for only $2650

Group Certification ANNUAL

All resources listed above including 10 group sessions


Group Certification MONTHLY

All resources listed above including 10 group sessions


Are you ready to join us?

It’s time for you to become a SPECIALIST!


  • This community is specifically for licensed therapists that have been trained in EMDR.

    All of your training is important in trauma work and we will explore how to integrate EMDR with Parts Work, (IFS and EGO State), DBT, ACT, Somatic Experiencing, Affirming Care, etc…

    This group is designed to help you integrate ALL of your knowledge to allow you to be a Specialized Trauma Therapist.

  • Yes. You need to have completed both weekends of your BASIC Training. You can join while you are working on your required consultation from your Training Provider.

  • Absolutely. This membership is available to you anytime you want it. You can cancel and restart as needed.

  • No, these hours do not meet the requirements for either of those.

    HOWEVER, you do get a a discount on my Individual and Group Consultation as a PACK member.

  • I am currently working on getting 1.5 CEUs approved through UT NASW for the Trainings offered every month in the SPECIALIST Membership.

    You would have to check with your state and licensing board to make sure they are accepted for you.

  • Our program equips you with a comprehensive understanding of EMDR therapy and its application in various situations. Here are some key areas you'll explore:

    Understanding Trauma's Impact: Learn how trauma impacts core beliefs, attachment styles, and the nervous system.

    EMDR for All: Discover effective communication strategies to explain EMDR to clients, parents, and families.

    Advanced Techniques: Master the art of working with blocking beliefs, dissociation, nightmares, and emotional neglect.

    Building Resources: Develop extended resourcing techniques to empower clients and foster healthy coping mechanisms.

    Integration with Other Therapies: Explore the synergy of EMDR with DBT, ACT, and somatic tools for a holistic approach.

    Special Considerations: Gain insights into applying EMDR for eating disorders and navigating power dynamics in trauma work.